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A Yat is a sequence of emojis you can purchase, and then point to a web site, twitter feed, instagram, or even use in place of a cryptocurrency address.  For example, the link below directs you to the simple page I created for this Yat combination.🚀🌙🌽

Each Yat combination has a cost based on the number and popularity of the emojis used.  :eye: :heart: emojis are more desirable and expensive, while 4 and 5 emoji combinations can be purchased for a few dollars.

YAT Is currently at Gen-1, which contains approximately 450 emoji's.  Gen-0 Yats (essentially Alpha) were sold until July 30, 2021.  Yats are being obtained at a blistering pace and the rare/valuable combinations are quickly being purchased. The emoji combinations used in creating a Yat can only be purchased once. The combination is then no longer available for anyone else to buy.

With the introduction of Gen-1 owners were given access to the Yat Visualizer, which made it possible to mint their Yat as an NFT on the Ethereum network.

Popular Yat Combinations...

Repeaters A combination of 3, 4 or 5 of the same emoji. There are less than 1500 of these Yats and all were sold within the first two months.  

Bookend Yats A Yat starting and ending with the same emoji. The 3 emoji combinations are the hardest to find and most expensive, but many of the favorites in the Yat community are 5 emojis long.

Adoptables A Yat depicting a standing figure primarily sorted from left to right. Adoptables typically begin with a head, then have a torso and feet. Any leftover positions can contain any other emoji to help define an activity or characteristic of the adoptable. The closest a Yat can get to a specific personality, and there are millions of combinations.

Face Yats A Yat depicting a face. These initially started as ears, eyes and nose combinations, but as those quickly were purchased people became very creative.

Word Yats Using the available emojis depicting many words and letters is possible. 

Story Yats Emojis can be used to depict a story representing common phrases, things or questions. Often these involve movie titles or song lyrics. The options in this category are truly endless, but often are not as obvious as the other types of Yats above.
❓💍❓ - Will you marry me?
😱✌️☠️🕷️ - Scared to death of spiders
👋👋🧠👋👋 - Brain wave

Empires An Empire is a potentially large set of related Yats giving the owner control of a particular combination or theme. See below...

4 ___ and a ___ Empire (or 3 ___ and a ___) This is a newer category and really has no set name. It attempts to make a Yat as easy to remember as possible by having 4 of one emoji and 1 of another. By buying all 5 combinations all anyone needs to remember is the two emojis in question. If these can be related it becomes even easier. These can be expensive for all 5.

Combination Empires An alternative to the 4 & 1 combination above is a less expensive version where you buy all combinations of four or five different emojis. For example, you could own all 24 combinations of the 4 emojis ending in 'phone'. Then anyone could easily find you just remembering the 'phone' rule without actually knowing the specific order of the emojis. At $4 each, all 24 will cost around $100.

An even less expensive version is to keep the first emoji the same for each combination. This reduces the number of Yats needed to own an entire set down to 6 very inexpensive combinations.
🐘🛋️📺🚪 - Elephant in the room

I Heart 'Whatever' Yats Not really a category, but a popular Yat combination. Any Yat starting with I Heart fits this category. The eye is traditionally the first character, but others have used 'Gemini' or an Exclamation point as the letter I.  The Heart sometimes has the Heart Eyes face in its place. The :eye: :heart: beginning increases the price of the Yat dramatically, so other combinations bring the price down for more affordable options.
🕳️    <- $1,100
♊❤️🏈❗   <- $4

👁️😍🦄❗   <- $4

What's A Yat?  (actually, it's

A Great Article About Yats -> The Case For Emoji Usernames

Need Some Suggestions For Emojis You Can Use As Letters?
Visit My Yat Alphabet Page.

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