Y.at Alphabet
Just for fun I decided to come up with some possibilities for letters within the current Y.at emoji offerings. Some were easy, some were difficult, and some just had too many choices (thank you letter O). While coming up with your own Y.at's these recommendations might prove helpful.
The Letter A
A was one of the easier options. I prefer the tree, but take your pick. Take a look at Sagittarius if these don't work.
:evergreen tree:
:tokyo tower:
The Letter B
An obvious Bee choice in most cases. Beware, the candle doesn't look like a lowercase b everywhere. Check Yatview in Discord to see its varieties.
:bow and arrow:
The Letter C
I prefer the Wave because it looks like a C, and has to do with the Sea.
:water wave:
The Letter D
No amazing choices, but one should work for you.
:dashing away:
:ok hand:
The Letter E
I had some difficulty finding a good fit for the E. Tosicamir came up with the Sweat as an E, and the artist pallet works on certain platforms. Both are probably better then the Nail Polish.
:nail polish:
:artist palette:
The Letter F
Any of these will work for an F. I can't choose which one I prefer.
:chequered flag:
:carp streamer:
:fishing pole:
The Letter G
The G was one of my last two I struggled with. There is nothing obvious that works that I could find. If you have an idea let me know.
:star and crescent:
The Letter H
Not a lot of choices, but the ones out there work nicely.
:raising hands:
The Letter I
There are a few good choices, though the Eye is the one people obviously prefer. Using the exclamation mark instead may get you some better prices.
:exclamation mark:
:barber pole:
The Letter J
I originally went with Anchor, but ended up preferring the saxophone. The hot pepper works too.
The Letter K
This was the 2nd letter I struggled to find. I eventually chose the Key, simply because it sounded most like a K. Someone found the Tanabata Tree works even better on most platforms.
:tanabata tree:
The Letter L
The caterpillar is really my favorite option of the two, but I see more people using the banana.
The Letter M
There are not many choices for the M, but Scorpio works nicely. I have also seen Aquarius used.
The Letter N
There may have been some potential alternates like the headphone, but the Note is the clear winner in my mind.
:musical note:
The Letter O
There are a lot of balls that will work for the letter O, as well as a dozen other emojis, but I prefer the hole.
:face without mouth:
The Letter P
P didn't have a lot of choices, but the lightbulb works.
:light bulb:
The Letter Q
Q has a few emojis that will work, but not any really good ones. Here are a couple you can use if you just have to have a Q.
:direct hit:
The Letter R
I don't really have a good option for the R. Lollipop is pretty lame. Tosicamir recommended the Rainbow and I think it is the best of the two.
The Letter S
In many emoji sets the snake works for S, but not here. The musical score is a good substitute though.
:musical score:
The Letter T
The T had a lot of options, but I really like the Palm Tree best since Tree and T sound alike. Hot Beverage makes a good Tea if you are sounding it out.
:palm tree:
:latin cross:
:hot beverage:
The Letter U
There are some good options for the U. Fried shrimp is the most fun though imho.
:fried shrimp:
:crescent moon:
The Letter V
Take your pick of these three good options. One will probably fit your theme better then the other.
:gem stone:
:party popper:
:victory hand:
The Letter W
I only found one good W.​ If there are more let me know.
:trident emblem:
The Letter X
There are a few others that might work also if you take a look. The scissors are perfect, but the skull and crossbones are more fun.
:skull and crossbones:
The Letter Y
Y is one of the more amusing choices. Feeling like a party, or a little more prickly?
:sign of the horns:
:cocktail glass:
The Letter Z
This can also be used for the letter S, but we have a good S and Z options are limited.
:high voltage: